Month: July 2014


I am an independent American. I don’t smoke I rarely consume alcohol. I live a healthy lifestyle. I’m not religous nor against anyone else beliefs. I don’t attend churches on holidays. I rarely date and if I do it’s not always my race we all have a heartbeat. (Yes I date white pigment women) I’m very blunt/honest. I speak the…

Randum Opinion: Groups

If you represent something along with others you should NEVER feel alone! Whether it’s a family, group, or organization you should all be on the same page. You should all know why you’re joined together. My slogan is “Support leads 2 success” but success also comes by #Unity. Each and every member of your clique should play a role of…

Randum Opinion: Attraction

The whole world could want you and yet the only one you desire shows nothing but neglection. So do you speak up or move on? I suggest live life and continue to focus on what’s beneficial for your happiness. But that’s just my opinion…-Randum Poet

Randum Confession: Respecting Your Anatomy

Last night was an eye opener for me. I was ill because of my reckless decisons and became worst during my workout. All i’m typing is whether it has a voice or not #Respect your body. I’m not judging anyone on how they decide to run their lifestyle I am just speaking for myself by saying I need to be…