Month: January 2014


I was told education is priceless.
But at what cost is it really worth it?
Waking up before my alarm clock disappointed in myself for not over sleeping.
Just so my excuse for missing the bus could be set in stone.
I’m constantly wondering what crime I committed to be sentenced to a middle school for two years which felt like a lifetime.
Watching my school clothes stain themselves into state green colors growing serial numbers on my back.
Reaching another check point in life’s obstacles.
Afraid of what may be waiting for me at the finish line.
Where you’re placed in a jungle of junior high jocks who test your toughness every gym period they find you alone.
Trapt in a lockeroom constructed maze.
Finding yourself swinging fist in every direction looking for the exit but your blinded by their numbered jerseys.
Hoping to see 911 written across the silk fabric.
I wonder if the blood from my lip will wash out before the big game on Friday.
I must’ve missed the memo that once you complete elementary school the next course would be survival of the fittest.
Where you learn to admire your insecurities because the “cool kids” constantly expose them every day you coach yourself to stay positive.
Think of alternatives…
You may be too fat for sports but there’s always drama class not judging your health.
And act as if the diversity is just as sweet as desert.
I guess this was my introduction to popularity.
Which never included me but who cares I go to class to pass.
Even though my grades fall lower than my self esteem every semester.
Maybe if I spent more time on picking the perfect apple for my teacher’s desk.
They would’ve rescued me from my confusion.
Rescue me from bleeding anymore tears onto my homework.
Help me avoid walking into the nurse’s office exchanging my fear for pain just to be sent home.
Maybe realize that besides my peers, the work is another layer of stress weighing me down.
Fighting to stay afloat from failure.
Just to have more work and less love thrown on me causing my motivation to sink.
I never realized how heavy an academic anchor could feel around my ankles.
To the point that I don’t even think they notice me in the field waving my white flag surrendering.
I’m tired of fighting a battle for attention in a military loaded with test hoping to earn a B+ before my purple heart.
Tired of waking up a teenage alcoholic drunk off sorrow.
Tired of being sent to the office for defending myself because my teacher’s degree didn’t explain the signs of a bully’s affection.
Blinded by the obvious…
To the point where if I stop fighting back and show them the bruises painted on me  maybe their guilt will give me the extra credit I need.
Or at least sit down and work with me.
Take off their varsity jackets and cheerleading outfits and actually notice me.
Make me feel as if I’m their only student.
These classrooms are filled with ocean sized numbers but how many kids actually learned to swim with the rest.
I feel as if they treat communication like an unwanted foster child.
Show me that you care about my education just as much as your pay check.
And you want to witness me walk the stage rather than a grave yard.
We need teachers that want to teach and not just pay a mortgage.
Neglect  can cause a student to receive a suicide note before their own diploma.
And no matter what subject you may teach.
It’s not rocket science trying to understand your student.
Just sit down and listen to their story.
So if this is the priceless education I was told about.
Receipts are kept for a reason so you can have it back…



The other day a kid became excited when he noticed the Batman tattoo on my right arm…

He was about six years old and told me that his favorite super hero was Spiderman because he could crawl on walls…

I smiled…

And I told him that I think he’s cool also…

He then asked, what made me like Batman?

I never really thought about it until then…

I realized…

Me and Batman are not that different from each other…

Besides him losing both his parents at a young age growing up to being a billionaire…

The rest of the story I can relate too…

I mean his suits black and im black…

He has a Bat Signal…

I have a cell phone service…

And im pretty sure the wall built to protect my feelings is just as strong his body armour…

If not then stronger…

You see Batman fights crime…

And Im just trying to fight the fake…

But what do you do when your own friends and family are the villains?

It doesn’t take the world’s greatest detective to realize when your being used and lied to…

Abused by the ones you cried too…

So what’s the point of caring for a family tree…

If it grows nothing but poison Ivy?

And then some wonder why people hearts beat cold like Mr.Freeze as if their lost of loyalty didn’t just drop the temperature below 0…

Robin you for your kindness…

Oh, and my favorite line I hear from people who had problems with me in the past is…

“I’m sorry, I just didn’t understand you”

As if im some type of complicated riddle that know one can figure out…

So they choose to assume the worst…

But unlike The Riddler…

If you just came to me and asked I would’ve gave you the answer…

But whats the point of figuring it out if you dont even trust me?

As if getting to know me is a combination lock without the numbers…

But if you were a true friend from the start…

You would’ve already have the skills of a locksmith so don’t even bother wasting neither one of are time…

And just like the Joker I find myself laughing at my life…

Like how Batman’s father isn’t alive for his birthdays…

And my dad just forgets about mine…

I wonder if Batman uses his cape to wipe the tears away…

No because Batman wouldn’t cry so why should I?

I mean, heroes are created to save…

Not sob…

And to seek justice is there job…

So why would Batman worry about my personal problems versus a bank being robbed?

But we all no life isn’t perfect so it really doesn’t bother me…

And sometimes money isn’t worth more than an apology…

Unless you pay bills…

So I understand why Bruce Wayne fights crime to escape the pain…

And If pieces of my heart was ripped into the shape of bats I would do the same…

Just so others wouldn’t have suffer from the truth that sometimes the bad guys are sitting right inside of your circle…


With their two faced personality right in front of you deciding which knife would make the perfect incision into your spine…

Now I see why Batman chooses to shed light on The Dark Night…

And I also know the feeling of being alone in the time of need finding myself trapt in a batcave inhailing stress with no exit…

Just to realize that you can’t always count on someone rushing to your rescue…

So you learn to become your own super hero…

So when this six year old kid asked me why I like Batman?

I told him…

Because he’s way cooler than Spiderman…
