Month: April 2015

Painted Picture

Painted Picture If seasons could take photos, you would be hotter than the summer skies during winter nights. Who springs into people’s hearts causing them to fall for you.  You are a vessel unbroken and untouched, polished with poetry. With the ability to manufacture memories worth more than motion pictures. I guess that makes you the director to our destiny.…

How I Feel About Love…

You never know how love can affect your life. Which is why I never plan things out when it involves feelings and intuition. I just let life take its course which is why people may feel I am unsure about relationships which is true because I’ve only been in two short ones which I learned from earlier in life that…

Self Reflection 201: Honest Poem

As an artist there is always room for improvement whether it takes a day to figure out or a decade to find you. There’s always something you can to learn strengthen your gift and ability. Avoid your comfort zone, present things you don’t understand now could possibly better you later on. Which is why I will attempt to write more…